At the LAB-C-lab we use different research methodologies including:
When I moved to Austin, TX to start my PhD, I had the opportunity to interact for the first time with people who are fluent bilinguals. As a result, I noticed that bilingual people offer a distinctive linguistic duality that provides a rich background for analyses. For example, I carried out research on how bilinguals' personalities change when they switch languages. Since then, I have delved into the captivating world of language, exploring the intricate ways in which it both reflects and shapes our identities, all the while being deeply entangled with our cultural backgrounds. I currently co-teach a course on Tools to Analyze Language, which has allowed me to work with graduate students on research projects focusing on intriguing language-related topics. Through a multidisciplinary approach, my research aims to reveal the intricate mechanisms underlying language and identity in our multicultural environment.

Many of my ideas for cultural studies have been inspired by my experiences traveling to various countries and states within the U.S. The process of contrasting and comparing different cultures fascinates me. The possibility of figuring out the underlying psychological processes that create these variations and affect behavior in people is what drives me the most. We have done studies, in China, Turkey, Mexico, Hong Kong, Costa Rica. The podcast Rough Translation, which explores stories from around the world, is a great favorite in the lab. Although this research is challenging, we really enjoy it!

I moved to the U.S. to work under the supervision of Jamie Pennebaker who at the moment was better known for his studies on health and emotional writing. I wanted to do studies on culture, and health when I first joined the lab. However, Jamie at that time was more interested in language research. I then started to fall in love with language myself. Nevertheless, there is still a space in my heart for research on wellbeing and health. I had the opportunity to work with my former graduate student on research about healthy eating from a cultural perspective. I am currently working with Natalie Shook from the School of Nursing at the University of Connecticut on a multimethod project on age difference in emotional wellbeing.